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Rss Help

Posted: January 16th, 2009, 8:24 pm
by therealwakka
i have a question about rss nzb downloading:

When i made rss feeds for tv shows, and i want an episode for example 02.
My Problem is that there are multiple releases of one episode in the rss-feed.
How can i say sabnzbd that i need only one of the same episode?

Re: Rss Help

Posted: January 17th, 2009, 9:33 am
by shypike
Naming reports is done at each uploaders own discretion.
That means that SABnzbd will never be able to prevent duplicate downloads
due to identical shows with slightly different names.
However, you can add some negative filters, like "not 720p".
Check out the RSS help page for this.

Don't expect SABnzbd to have some kind of artificial intelligence so that
it "knows" a show has already been downloaded, despite them having
different titles.

Re: Rss Help

Posted: January 17th, 2009, 12:48 pm
by therealwakka
But i would be good that SABnzbd looks if for example s02e01 exists in the folder and ignore the next download.

Re: Rss Help

Posted: January 18th, 2009, 4:48 am
by shypike
Tell me how this is going to work for these shows:

The Imaginary Show S02E01
Imaginary Show S02E01
Rabbit tales S02E01
Rabbit tales S02E02

Re: Rss Help

Posted: January 24th, 2009, 2:04 am
by lazyman
I think the original issue really comes down to having a better RSS feed then he is currently using.

As for filtering goes, I would like to boost up the AltBinz technique mentioned elsewhere on the forums. Although there would still be issues for eps that groups release with underscores and not periods (full stops). The only thing that could fix that would be new scene rules that required full stops instead of underscores. If the filter used a different matching mechanism than just contains, that could prove to be helpful.

For example: if you like the show House you might have a filter that looked liked House.S*. It would get everything that started with House.S, but not shows like Celebrity.Rehab.Presents.Sober.House.S* (personal experience). Since Celebrity does not equal House, it would not download.

Anyhow, that's my 2 cents. Thanks for the great program, no longer using VirtualPC to run AltBinz. Fancy I know.

Re: Rss Help

Posted: January 24th, 2009, 8:07 am
by switch
You will have to explain how altbin does it as we aren't too familiar with every aspect of that program.
For sab, a filter of "re:^House\.S" should match what you want. Regular expressions are very powerful, you can even make it match only specific episodes:
(show - 1x01 naming)

Code: Select all


Re: Rss Help

Posted: January 25th, 2009, 11:07 am
by lazyman
It works in much the same way as Windows search. More of an is equal to than an is like.
You have a list of files:

Now, you have a crappy old TV like me and don't much have use for 720p files and you don't like the characters in CSI Miami.

So you might setup the following filters to deny anything 720p or Miami, but accept other the CSI series.
reject *720p*
reject *x264*
reject CSI.Miami*
accept CSI*

Which would result in these being accepted:

I hope that is a bit more clear.

Re: Rss Help

Posted: January 25th, 2009, 11:14 am
by switch
You can do the same in sabnzbd

Code: Select all

[Reject] 720p
[Reject] x264
[Reject] CSI.Miami
[Accept] CSI
Using * is also supported, but is not required.

Re: Rss Help

Posted: January 25th, 2009, 3:04 pm
by lazyman
Correct, but currently it would also download the National Geographic show since it has CSI in the title. But theoretically i would only want the crime drama series. Usually its not a huge problem, so I wouldn't put it high on the priority list. I guess the best solution would be to find a good RegEx primer and beginners guide.

Re: Rss Help

Posted: January 25th, 2009, 3:23 pm
by switch
If you just want to match the start of the string, see my post a few posts up, specifically try:

Code: Select all

instead of just CSI

Re: Rss Help

Posted: January 25th, 2009, 4:45 pm
by lazyman
How do you feel about adding this link in the rss section of the wiki? It explains the general concepts of regex much better than the python docs and might result in smarter users :)

Re: Rss Help

Posted: January 26th, 2009, 4:23 am
by shypike
Done, thanks.