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[v1.0.0] False authentication errors (too many conn)

Posted: March 22nd, 2016, 4:45 pm
by jagerx9
Minor bug report:

Previous version of sabnzbd would correctly report "too many connections to server". In v1.0.0 it appears that the same error is now citing "authentication error". This occurs in queue and in server management when testing connections during server connection saturation. The risk here is that a user may repeatedly attempt to solve the issue of the username/password when it is, in fact, not the cause.

Expected result: when oversaturating a usenet server with connetions, sabnzbd should report "error connecting to [affected servers]: too many connections".

Actual result: when oversaturating a usenet server with connections, sabnzbd reports cannot connect to server [affected servers] [Authentication failed, check username/password.

My setup:
Astraweb, three servers, 20 connections total split to all three. (10 on one, 5 on the other two). Occasionally sabnzbd will attempt to oversaturate on missing articles. Happens often but reported a different error on 0.7 and previous.

Re: [v1.0.0] False authentication errors (too many conn)

Posted: March 22nd, 2016, 6:52 pm
by sander
I checked with newszilla6 and 20 connections (and SAB 1.0.0), and I get a correct "Too many connections to server".

So could it be something astraweb specific? I have no account with them, so I can't test.

Re: [v1.0.0] False authentication errors (too many conn)

Posted: March 23rd, 2016, 5:51 pm
by jagerx9
Quite possibly. I suppose it depends how specific Astraweb's codes are.

Re: [v1.0.0] False authentication errors (too many conn)

Posted: March 24th, 2016, 2:46 am
by sander
There is a way to find what Astraweb says to, but only if you can start a manual telnet session. That is possible on Windows, but I'm not sure it's easy for you.

On Linux:

Code: Select all

sander@flappie:~$ telnet 119
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
200 NNRP Service Ready (posting ok) (yEnc enabled).
381 PASS required
502 Invalid username or password
Connection closed by foreign host.
So .. type two commands. :)

If you can do this on Windows with your correct credentials, maybe you can do it in two situations:

SAB is not downloading. Your manual session should be OK
SAB is downloading and giving errors. Your manual session should give the exact error, which would be helpful for this case and possibly for improvement of SABnzbd


In Windows, you first have to to install the telnet client. See ... lient.aspx.
So: via "Turn on Windows Features". You can just type "Windows Features" in the search box.

in CMD.exe type "telnet 119", and then:

Code: Select all

200 NNRP Service Ready (posting ok) (yEnc enabled).
authinfo user someone
381 PASS required
authinfo pass blabla
502 Invalid username or password
De verbinding met de host is verbroken.


Re: [v1.0.0] False authentication errors (too many conn)

Posted: March 24th, 2016, 4:08 am
by sander
Ah, an easier way than manual stuff:

Method 1:

Download something big, wait for the error to occur, then go into Server settings, and click on Test Server (with SAB still downloading). You should see the exact, full error message. Post that message here in this forum

Method 2:

Set SAB's logging to +Debug
Let SAB run again until you get the error message
Then in sabnzbd.log find lines with "Server login problem"


Code: Select all

2016-03-01 00:41:49,557::DEBUG::[downloader:573] Server login problem: 400, 400 Too many connections from your host (max 4) - [email protected]