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Download Speed Issue - keeps defaulting back to 1 KB/s

Posted: June 19th, 2016, 2:29 am
by Terminel

Completely new to the forum so Hi!

I've been using SabnZBD for a long time now and have not had any issues since I set it up a few years back until now. The download speed is crawling along at 1 - 3 KB/s and nothing I have done seems to permanantly fix it. I am with Supernews and the only recent change I have made is running Plex but I don't know exactly when the download issue started so don't know if they are linked.

So far I have:

1. Removed all scheduling.
2. Reinstalled SABNZBD.
3. Restarted the server and router.
4. Manually adjusted the download speed at the top of the web GUI - this works for maybe 30 secs and slows to a crawl again.
5. Tried othe NZBs incase it was removed from the host.
6. Reduced timeout to 60 secs.
7. Shit down Plex.

I got some errors and can paste thos in if necessary - none since I reinstalled SABNZBD atm.

Hopefully someone will know how to fix the issue - thank you in advance.
7. Increased connections to 20.

Re: Download Speed Issue - keeps defaulting back to 1 KB/s

Posted: June 19th, 2016, 3:12 am
by sander
Terminel wrote: 7. Shit down Plex.
That's not good! ;)

Post the errors, please. I think you're downloading a post that has been DMCA'ed, and thus is not on the servers anymore.

Re: Download Speed Issue - keeps defaulting back to 1 KB/s

Posted: June 19th, 2016, 3:16 am
by Terminel
omg lol!

will post the errors asap - thanks

Re: Download Speed Issue - keeps defaulting back to 1 KB/s

Posted: June 19th, 2016, 4:33 am
by Terminel
So no new errors yet but if I manually set the speed at the top of the GUI it holds at that speed fine. However, when the current NZB finishes it then slows down again to zilch until I save the speed again.

Re: Download Speed Issue - keeps defaulting back to 1 KB/s

Posted: June 19th, 2016, 5:06 am
by sander
Weird. Are you sure it's not a "missing on server" problem masquerading as a speed problem?

Let's verify: first hit on ... m=1&more=1 ... download it ... what's the result?

Re: Download Speed Issue - keeps defaulting back to 1 KB/s

Posted: June 19th, 2016, 7:09 am
by Terminel
Downloaded the file and speed stayed at the manually set 500 KB/s. Hit reset and it went straight to max at 1.3 MB/s, re-entered scheduled speedlimit of 500 and it drops to 1 KB/s. Remove schedule and there is no change until I manually set the speed again and then it goes back up to whatever I set it to. Add schedule back and in and drops to 1 KB/s again.

Now have 10 errors as below - not related to the ubuntu download.

Code: Select all

[19/Jun/2016:11:27:33] HTTP Traceback (most recent call last): File "cherrypy\_cprequest.pyo", line 663, in respond File "cherrypy\_cpreqbody.pyo", line 996, in process File "cherrypy\_cpreqbody.pyo", line 540, in process File "cherrypy\_cpreqbody.pyo", line 143, in process_urlencoded File "cherrypy\_cpreqbody.pyo", line 831, in read File "cherrypy\wsgiserver\wsgiserver2.pyo", line 365, in read File "cherrypy\wsgiserver\wsgiserver2.pyo", line 1098, in read File "cherrypy\wsgiserver\wsgiserver2.pyo", line 1046, in recv timeout: timed out

Re: Download Speed Issue - keeps defaulting back to 1 KB/s

Posted: June 19th, 2016, 8:19 am
by sander
re-entered scheduled speedlimit of 500
500 what? If you don't fill out an extension ("M", or "K"), I think it is 500 byte per seconds. Which equals 1 KB/s

Re: Download Speed Issue - keeps defaulting back to 1 KB/s

Posted: June 19th, 2016, 9:42 am
by Terminel
Perhaps I should of mentioned that I recently updated SabNZBD from 0.73 to 1.03. With your last statement a huge piece of the puzzle just fell into place. I would wager that 0.73 never had the need to add the M or K etc as below - it always used to work without it.

"Speedlimit will set the speedlimiter to the given % value. This can also be in K/M/G notation, for example 4.5M would set the speedlimit to 4.5MB/s"

Sander - you are a star, it seems to be working as it always used to. I will now take myself away in shame for not realising this myself. :-[

Masny thanks, appreciated.