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Windows XP Service Help...

Posted: May 13th, 2009, 4:23 pm
by drhhitman
I have SABnzbd installed as a service under windows xp (sp3) using the sabnzbd-console.exe and for some reason sometimes when i need to restart the service, the config file and queue file will change and result in either the API key changing or some cases servers appearing that i had previously added but since deleted.

To better explain i was using a paid ipv4 server that my subscription has now run out on and thought i would try to use the free ipv6 servers available.  I have removed the ipv4 server and now only have the ipv6 server on.  but when i restart the sab service and in turn the sabnzbd-console.exe file the ipv4 server will reappear and any items that i have downloaded in the completed list that i had also purged will suddenly reappear. 

I know this sounds weird but this is what is happening.  Any information or help will be greatly appreciated.

Re: Windows XP Service Help...

Posted: May 13th, 2009, 4:33 pm
by switch
What arguments are you passing to the service? Are you specifying the config location (-f c:\sabnzbd\sabnzbd.ini for example).

If you don't specify the config location it will use the one local to the user that launches it, which could be different depending on how you have it set up, and how you are re-launching it.

For each time, check the config location listed  in the "System Folders" section of config>folders. They will likely be different. Why are you needing to restart the service at all?

Re: Windows XP Service Help...

Posted: May 13th, 2009, 4:43 pm
by drhhitman
When I restart my computer.. i can see that the sabnzbd service has started and hence loaded the sabnzbd-console.exe into the list of running processes and can infact navigate to the sab webui. but my ipv6 servers will download anything saying 10061 error or something similar stating that connection refused.  But once i restart the service the navigate to the sab webui and the ipv6 servers will start downloading.  I am assuming it is taking some time for the ipv6 protocol to activate or initiate after windows has restarted.

And no i have not specified a place for the config file. Under the general section it states that it is run from Documents and settings/Networkservice/local settings/app data/sabnzbd

How or where do i specify a place for the config file to be saved / run from???


Re: Windows XP Service Help...

Posted: May 13th, 2009, 4:56 pm
by switch

Code: Select all

-f c:\sabnzbd\sabnzbd.ini
I can't say I know the cause of your IPv6 issues, try using a different tunnel provider, or making sure whatever forwards the ipv6 data is launched before sabnzbd.

Re: Windows XP Service Help...

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 12:22 am
by drhhitman

but without sounding like too much of an idiot for asking, where do i type  "-f c:\sabnzbd\sabnzbd.ini" to force the sabnzbd ini file to be stored there??

Re: Windows XP Service Help...

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 1:43 am
by shypike
From a "Command prompt" or in the "Target" field of the properties of the shortcut to SABnzbd.

Re: Windows XP Service Help...

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 7:27 am
by drhhitman
i have figured it out thanks.  However, i tried to overcome the other problem i was having where after a computer restart my ip6 server will not connect at all giving an error...

"Failed to connect: (10049, "Can't assign requested address")"

I tried to set the sabnzbd service to depend on everything i could relate to ipv6... including the "IPv6 Helper Service", Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Windows Management Instrumentation..

However, it still will not start downloading from an ipv6 server after a system restart.  But the ipv4 server will connect and continue to download as though nothing had happened.  Any help would be great.
