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"Abort" not working?

Posted: September 14th, 2016, 11:50 am
by zprewitt
I'm running v1.1.0 on Windows 10.

I'm noticing that SAB isn't aborting downloads that are missing too many articles, and once the download reaches 99%, it stops and I have to manually delete it and find another one. "Abort" is checked in settings, obviously, and I also have the timeout set to 60 seconds. Any suggestions?

Re: "Abort" not working?

Posted: September 14th, 2016, 2:39 pm
by shypike
This can happen with small downloads especially with a large number of connections per server.

Re: "Abort" not working?

Posted: September 14th, 2016, 4:01 pm
by safihre
Could you send a screenshot of one of those downloads? [email protected]

Re: "Abort" not working?

Posted: September 14th, 2016, 8:51 pm
by zprewitt
Can't right now, but it was a small download (around two gigs). Had about 122 missing articles.

Re: "Abort" not working?

Posted: September 15th, 2016, 3:59 am
by shypike
2G isn't small.
However, if the missing articles are mostly at the end, this can happen.
Because then SABnzbd knows too late that too much is missing.

Re: "Abort" not working?

Posted: October 9th, 2016, 12:31 am
by xcanadianpandax
Not to bump the thread but I made an account just to say I am also having an issue with abort not working.

I am on version 1.1.0 [8abcf08] and have noticed with the "Abort jobs that cannot be completed" setting turned on that even if I am missing 2000 articles from a download, sab does not abort. These downloads range from 2gb to 24gb. In every case the download never aborted.

Downloading at 20MB(150 - 180Mb) down on most things with 30 connections.

Let me know if there are any logs I can provide

Re: "Abort" not working?

Posted: October 9th, 2016, 2:51 am
by safihre
Yes, please send the log to [email protected]!