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2.2.0Beta1 Purge Missed the Direct Unpack folder

Posted: July 19th, 2017, 7:16 pm
by BruteForce
While downloading several nzb, I decided I didn't want one of them so I canceled it from the GUI. I clicked on "Purge History" and selected to "Purge Failed NZBs and delete all files". Later on I was looking in "completed" folder and the Direct Unpack "_UNPACK_*" folder & file for the one I canceled was still there. It didn't get deleted when I purged failed.

So technically it didn't fail due to an error in the download, just that I had canceled it.

Re: 2.2.0Beta1 Purge Missed the Direct Unpack folder

Posted: July 20th, 2017, 1:56 am
by safihre
So the download was already in the history? Or still in the Queue? Or it was post processing when you deleted it?

Re: 2.2.0Beta1 Purge Missed the Direct Unpack folder

Posted: July 20th, 2017, 8:36 pm
by BruteForce
It was almost done downloading when I clicked trash can to delete it. Actually, it was a checkbox where the trash can usually sits just to the right of the active downloads listing. Clicking it deleted the download process.

Today I had the _UNPACK folder remain after it successfully downloaded and completed (moved the video to"complete" folder). The folder was empty. The only odd thing I might have done is I paused all the downloads for a bit to allow someone else to get some bandwidth for a short period (@1 hour?).