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Organize the RAR by order

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 12:19 am
by dany20mh
So as we have the Direct Unpack now, it's good to have an option that organize the RAR file by their order so it will help the Direct Unpack to start the unpacking.

Some of them release have the RAR by order and their name is not different when they getting download.
But for those that their name get change while they are getting download, a quick check reveals the file names and then order them and start the downloading of them.
We can kind of manually do this by opening the file (clicking on the folder icon) and then heading to the last RAR file and keep moving them to the top, as the download is moving, it reveal their actual (real) name and then you can see exact (actual) RAR part file and download them by order which cause the Direct Unpack to kick in.

Re: Organize the RAR by order

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 12:24 am
by safihre
I know and I wanted that too, but it turns out to be quite difficult. This way we should first download the first article of alle files. But the logic handeling which servers have been tried is made for sequential download.
Plus after it's done, it will have all these articles in the article cache that will only be cleared when the file they belong to is written to disk. For example if we have 100 files in NZB with article size of 700K, we will have continously 70MB stuck in the cache.
Sure we can do something about it, but it requires lots of code and testing. So maybe for next release :)

Re: Organize the RAR by order

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 1:06 am
by dany20mh
Great :)

Hope you find a way and it come even in 2.2.0rc2 :D