Downloads not fully completing

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Downloads not fully completing

Post by mchalesnavy »

Having a bit of a strange issue lately, has been occurring with 2.30 and 2.31.


This is from 2.30, items are reaching 99% and sabz is just moving on to the next item, leaving the previous item incomplete.


In this pic, there are several at 1-3% because I reshuffled the download order, but an hour after I did that, the issue is still occurring. Downloads are reaching 99%, under 100mb short of completing. Sabz then starts downloading the next item in the queue, with the 99% item downloading, if at all, at a bare few kb/s. At some point these eventually complete, usually all in a rush, but if I'm waiting for one particular download this is quite annoying. It's right there.. almost done, but sabz moves on downloading whatever else is in the queue, not completing items that are mostly done. I can try pausing the items ahead of it, but with several thousand items in my queue currently, sabz simply moves on to the next item after the next, ignoring the one that is almost complete.
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Re: Downloads not fully completing

Post by safihre »

You should be on 2.3.1, it has fixes for this kind of thing.
Also it might help to pause and then unpause the stuck jobs individually.

It seems most likely a server timeout problem. You can go into Config Servers, click for each Server om Advanced and lower the timeout to 30 seconds. The default for existing servers was 120 seconds which is very long (for new servers its already lowered to 60). So if a connection is interrupted, sabnzbd will wait a while before being able to fix that last article.
You can also lower the Article retries in Config Switches, to get it to move on faster.
The effect occurs most when you have multiple servers that tend to be a bit unreliable, 1 wonky connection can block a download for long time.

If you have done all these things, are on 2.3.1 and new jobs (not from before the update to 2.3.1) still exhibit this behavior, let me know and we can investigate further :)
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Re: Downloads not fully completing

Post by mchalesnavy »

I am on 2.31, I updated in hopes of fixing this issue. The first screencap is 2.30, the second 2.31, the issue was not resolved.

I'll make the suggested changes and let you know :)
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Re: Downloads not fully completing

Post by CIA525 »

Having this same issue with SAB 2.3.1, although I noticed it starting with 2.3.0.

On Mac 10.13.1 if that matters. Will also try some of the above fixes but am glad to see I'm not the only one.
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Re: Downloads not fully completing

Post by CIA525 »

Just to add, have tried pausing/un-pausing individual jobs, the entire queue, restarting SAB, restarting the entire computer, rebuilding the Queue, nothing works.

It is not all downloads, just most. When I click into the download, it is always at 0MB of some 0.1MB file and that is the only file left to download.

In many cases I have just been able to delete this 0.1MB file and it unpacks/repairs fine, and this has been the only way so far I can get these stuck jobs to move on.
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Re: Downloads not fully completing

Post by safihre »

How many servers do you have?

Can you enable Debug logging in the Status window and then after it happens again, click Show Logging.
Then send me the log at [email protected]
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Re: Downloads not fully completing

Post by mchalesnavy »

I made the suggested changes last night and let it run. This morning I had 2 pages of jobs at 99%. By this afternoon they had all cleared and now sabz is working on just one download at a time.

I have two servers, astra and tweak, 20 and 30 connections respectively. I'll keep an eye on how it goes from here on.
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Re: Downloads not fully completing

Post by safihre »

Did you have Debug logging enabled? If not, could you do this now?
Then after it happens again, send me all logs in your logging directory (location:
[email protected]

Hopefully somewhere a clue is hidden :)
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Re: Downloads not fully completing

Post by CIA525 »

I have fixed this problem with my SAB.

I do have a lot of servers. In order or priority:
ThunderNews (50 connections)
NewsGroupDirect (45)
AstraWeb (20)
UsenetNews (55)
SSL-News (30)

In the debug log, the jobs that were stuck at 99% had an error about SSL-News server timeout. After looking into this, it seems SSL-News shut down sometime this year. Ultimately, just turning off SSL-News as a server has prevented any more stalling jobs.

However, why it needed SSL-News at all I'm not sure, the 0.1MB articles it always got hung up on seem to download fine from the other servers now that it is disabled.

Additionally, not sure why it just didn't say server timed out, stop using that server, and count the article as missing even. As when deleting these 0.1MB articles from the job, the overall download completed fine.

So not sure if that's helpful to what's causing the issue, but for 5 days now I haven't had any stalled downloads since disabling the broken server.
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Re: Downloads not fully completing

Post by safihre »

Yes you describe it well, the problem is broken connections not being handled correctly. I found out the same from the log of another user here.
Sabnzbd will ignore the server for 10min upon timeouts, since it doesn't know the server will never come back.
I will soon release a 2.3.2 test version which includes a patch for this :)
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Re: Downloads not fully completing

Post by wurstkäse »

7 years later, on version 4.3.2 and the problem persists. I currently have a download sitting at 99% and not finishing. Subsequent downloads are successfully processed, but this one download is not getting finished.
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Re: Downloads not fully completing

Post by OneCD »

Version 4.4.0 has a fix for this. Suggest you upgrade your SABnzbd.
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Re: Downloads not fully completing

Post by chuckmehle »

I am on 4.4.1 and mine does exactly the same thing. Hangs on last bit of a download so job is at 99%.

Is there a setting or switch to have it recognized this that I dont know of?

Appreciate any advice.

Edit: It appears this has something to do with the server (Supernews) and not SAB! Of my servers, I deleted that one and it works smoothly.

Having said that, would be interested to know opinions of the best servers out there working with SAB.
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