This is from 2.30, items are reaching 99% and sabz is just moving on to the next item, leaving the previous item incomplete.

In this pic, there are several at 1-3% because I reshuffled the download order, but an hour after I did that, the issue is still occurring. Downloads are reaching 99%, under 100mb short of completing. Sabz then starts downloading the next item in the queue, with the 99% item downloading, if at all, at a bare few kb/s. At some point these eventually complete, usually all in a rush, but if I'm waiting for one particular download this is quite annoying. It's right there.. almost done, but sabz moves on downloading whatever else is in the queue, not completing items that are mostly done. I can try pausing the items ahead of it, but with several thousand items in my queue currently, sabz simply moves on to the next item after the next, ignoring the one that is almost complete.