speed question

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speed question

Post by jwhitt12 »

I am running with ubuntu 20.04.4 and SABnzbd version: 3.6.0RC3

I thought I would check my speed (using speed.com) It told me my download speed was 7.5Mbps. My download speed,k with sabnzbdplus is between 400KB and 1.2Mb. I thought that didn't look right so I thought I would ask what I might have done to cause sab to be slow. I haven't changed anything that I know of in quite a long time. Here is my .ini file:
[*__version__ = 19
__encoding__ = utf-8
pre_script = None
queue_complete = ""
queue_complete_pers = 0
bandwidth_perc = 60
refresh_rate = 1
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direct_unpack_tested = 1
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username = ""
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admin_dir = admin
dirscan_dir = Video/nzb
dirscan_speed = 5
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direct_unpack = 0
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propagation_delay = 0
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new_nzb_on_failure = 0
history_retention = 0
enable_meta = 1
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quota_day = ""
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rating_filter_abort_encrypted = 0
rating_filter_abort_encrypted_confirm = 0
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rating_filter_abort_spam_confirm = 0
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rating_filter_pause_video = 0
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rating_filter_pause_keywords = ""
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tv_sort_countries = 1
tv_categories = tv,
enable_movie_sorting = 1
movie_sort_string = %dn.%ext
movie_sort_extra = ""
movie_extra_folder = 0
movie_categories = movies,
enable_date_sorting = 0
date_sort_string = ""
date_categories = tv,
schedlines = ,
rss_rate = 60
ampm = 0
replace_illegal = 1
start_paused = 0
enable_all_par = 1
enable_par_cleanup = 1
enable_unrar = 1
enable_unzip = 1
enable_7zip = 1
enable_filejoin = 1
enable_tsjoin = 1
overwrite_files = 0
ignore_unrar_dates = 0
backup_for_duplicates = 1
empty_postproc = 0
wait_for_dfolder = 0
rss_filenames = 0
api_logging = 1
html_login = 1
osx_menu = 1
osx_speed = 1
warn_dupl_jobs = 1
helpfull_warnings = 1
keep_awake = 1
win_menu = 1
allow_incomplete_nzb = 0
enable_broadcast = 1
ipv6_hosting = 0
fixed_ports = 1
api_warnings = 1
disable_api_key = 0
no_penalties = 0
x_frame_options = 1
require_modern_tls = 0
num_decoders = 3
rss_odd_titles = nzbindex.nl/, nzbindex.com/, nzbclub.com/
req_completion_rate = 100.2
selftest_host = self-test.sabnzbd.org
movie_rename_limit = 100M
size_limit = 0
show_sysload = 2
history_limit = 10
wait_ext_drive = 5
max_foldername_length = 246
nomedia_marker = ""
ipv6_servers = 1
url_base = /sabnzbd
host_whitelist = movies,
local_ranges = ,
max_url_retries = 10
downloader_sleep_time = 10
ssdp_broadcast_interval = 15
email_server = ""
email_to = ,
email_from = ""
email_account = ""
email_pwd = ""
email_endjob = 0
email_full = 0
email_dir = ""
email_rss = 0
email_cats = *,
process_unpacked_par2 = 1
episode_rename_limit = 20M
preserve_paused_state = 0
helpful_warnings = 1
allow_old_ssl_tls = 0
socks5_proxy_url = ""
num_simd_decoders = 1
ext_rename_ignore = ,
log_level = 1
max_log_size = 5242880
log_backups = 5
ncenter_enable = 0
ncenter_cats = *,
ncenter_prio_startup = 0
ncenter_prio_download = 0
ncenter_prio_pause_resume = 0
ncenter_prio_pp = 0
ncenter_prio_complete = 0
ncenter_prio_failed = 0
ncenter_prio_disk_full = 0
ncenter_prio_new_login = 0
ncenter_prio_warning = 0
ncenter_prio_error = 0
ncenter_prio_queue_done = 0
ncenter_prio_other = 0
acenter_enable = 0
acenter_cats = *,
acenter_prio_startup = 0
acenter_prio_download = 0
acenter_prio_pause_resume = 0
acenter_prio_pp = 0
acenter_prio_complete = 0
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prowl_prio_failed = 1
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prowl_prio_error = -3
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prowl_prio_other = 0
pushover_token = ""
pushover_userkey = ""
pushover_device = ""
pushover_emergency_expire = 3600
pushover_emergency_retry = 60
pushover_enable = 0
pushover_cats = *,
pushover_prio_startup = -3
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pushbullet_device = 0
pushbullet_prio_startup = 0
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nscript_prio_queue_done = 1
nscript_prio_other = 1
name = news.usenetserver.com
displayname = news.usenetserver.com
host = news.usenetserver.com
port = 563
timeout = 60
username = jwhitt12
password = xxxxxxxxxx
connections = 14
ssl = 1
ssl_verify = 2
ssl_ciphers = ""
enable = 1
required = 0
optional = 0
retention = 0
expire_date = ""
quota = ""
usage_at_start = 0
send_group = 0
priority = 0
notes = ""
name = *
order = 0
pp = 3
script = None
dir = ""
newzbin = ""
priority = 0
name = audio
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Default
dir = ""
newzbin = ""
priority = -100
name = software
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Default
dir = ""
newzbin = ""
priority = -100
name = tv
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Deobfuscate.py
dir = /home/greg/Video/TV
newzbin = ""
priority = -100
name = movies
order = 0
pp = ""
script = Deobfuscate.py
dir = /home/greg/Video/complete
newzbin = ""
priority = -100]

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Re: speed question

Post by jcfp »

jwhitt12 wrote: June 2nd, 2022, 7:09 pmmy speed (using speed.com) It told me my download speed was 7.5Mbps. My download speed,k with sabnzbdplus is between 400KB and 1.2Mb.
The difference is probably the speedtest reporting in bits vs sabnzbd using bytes. The measured 7.5 mbit (once divided by 8 to convert to bytes) falls within the range of download speeds reported by sab.
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Re: speed question

Post by jwhitt12 »

Thank you for the reply.

I remain confused. I just ran fast (the name of the speedtest "fast.com") again. This time I got a download speed of 4Mbps My sabnzbdplus speed is 454KB/747KB Occasionally Sab will go up to 1.2Mbps and then slide back.

Oh, I forgot - my speed link is currently at 57Mb

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