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Warning about plush template not being located

Posted: October 1st, 2022, 12:45 am
by Ogre01
Hello All,

I am running 3.6.1 of sabnzbd and I do understand that the plush template is no longer supported which is fine for me as the new interface is quite nice. However, when I go to my GUI, I'm getting a warning:

"Cannot find web template: /usr/share/SABnzbd/interfaces/Plush/templates/main.tmpl, trying standard template"

I have gone to Config -> General -> Enabled Advanced View -> Web Interface and see it is set for Glitter Auto.

I've tried to search around in the forum and googling as well but have not been able to figure where to resolve this warning. I have not been able to find any other place where it would be trying to refer to plush

I do see the old template but I doubt it's existence is causing this since the problem is that sabnzbd can't find it.

Thank you all in advance.

Re: Warning about plush template not being located

Posted: October 1st, 2022, 1:30 am
by safihre
In Config General, did you also click Save?
I think maybe your config file still has the old setting but since it's not available in the drop down it shows as Glitter, even though that isn't saved in the sabnzbd.ini.

Re: Warning about plush template not being located

Posted: October 1st, 2022, 8:17 am
by jcfp
Maybe the template is passed as a command line option on startup? That could also cause that warning to re-appear.

Re: Warning about plush template not being located

Posted: October 1st, 2022, 12:18 pm
by Ogre01
Thank you Safihre and jcfp. Clicking Save seems to have been what it was. I went back to config and clicked on save which caused a restart of the sabnzbd. Thus far have not seen the return of that warning.

Such a silly thing I feel bad for having wasted your time.

Re: Warning about plush template not being located

Posted: October 5th, 2022, 10:57 am
by andyhi
I ran into this a couple weeks back after upgrading from 3.2.x to 3.6.1. I ended up locating the corresponding Plush template path/setting in the sabnzbd.ini file and manually removing it.

Note - Until recently I have always launched sabnzbd.exe via commandline (script) using the option for alternate location of the sabnzbd.ini. My guess is that the sabnzbd installer may remove this setting if it's present in the default sabnzdbd.ini file, but probably wouldn't be aware of it if using an alternate sabnzbd.ini file as in my case. I found other (newer) settings missing from my alternate sabnzbd.ini file, so have merged and migrated back to the default location.