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New episodes not staying on New drive -MacOS

Posted: May 8th, 2023, 8:57 am
by tramsden
Mac Mini M1 - Ventura 13.3.1 (a)
Sabnzbd 4.0.1 [1263068]

Here's a strange one ( to me ).
I recently connected a larger 2Tb drive to my Mac mini in addition to a 1Tb I already had. At the same time I decided to update the Sabnzdb file to the latest version.
I decided to copy the TV and Movie folders to the larger drive and redirect all future actions to place new TV episodes to the larger drive.
When a new episode was downloaded it was sent to the old drive and the folder copy on the larger drive had its contents removed.
I had changed the 'TV' category in config to point to the new destination and the history shows a correct path for the downloaded file.

/Volumes/Toshiba2TB/Complete/TV/Barry/Season 4

I left the User folder as

Series sorting was enabled with,

%sn/Season %s/%sn - S%0sE%0e - %en.%ext

I've been using Sabnzdb several years without issue.

Any help gratefully accepted

Re: New episodes not staying on New drive -MacOS

Posted: May 10th, 2023, 7:03 am
by emmafrost1
Check Category Settings: Double-check the category settings in Sabnzbd to ensure that the TV category is properly configured to use the new destination folder. Verify that the path is correctly set to "/Volumes/Toshiba2TB/Complete/TV" for the TV category.

Verify Permissions: Ensure that the new destination folder on the larger drive has the appropriate read and write permissions for Sabnzbd. You can check the folder's permissions by right-clicking on it, selecting "Get Info," and then verifying showbox the permissions under the "Sharing & Permissions" section. Make sure that Sabnzbd has the necessary permissions to access and write to the folder.

Restart Sabnzbd: Try restarting Sabnzbd after making any changes to the category settings or folder paths. This can help refresh the configurations and ensure that the changes take effect.

Clear Queue and Retry: If the issue kodi persists, you can try clearing the download queue in Sabnzbd and then re-add the TV show to download again. Sometimes, clearing the queue can resolve any lingering conflicts or misconfigurations.

Contact Sabnzbd Support: If the problem continues, it may be beneficial to reach out to the support team of Sabnzbd for further assistance. They can provide more specific guidance based on your setup and help troubleshoot the issue in more detail.

Remember to back up any important data before making any changes to avoid data loss.

I hope these suggestions help you resolve the issue with Sabnzbd and successfully redirect the downloads to the new destination folder.