Running on Mint, permission denied writing to shares on Synology

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Running on Mint, permission denied writing to shares on Synology

Post by Johnster »

I've been using SABnzbd for a long time, but am fairly new to running it on Mint. I've got it working and have imported my ini file from my previous install which was running on Ubuntu. All of the shares I use are located on my local Synology NAS and are mounted via SMB\CIFS. It can read the shares but not write to them, as a result it see's nzb files being placed in the watched folder, but cannot write the download to the destination folder. I think the cause is that previously I was using NFS to access the same shares, which was not a great setup as it required matching UID's etc., so I'd like to get this working with SMB/CIFS. So far I'm manually starting SABnzbd so it's running with my user permissions. As that user I can write to those shares, but when SABnzbd tries it gets a permission denied error. Anyone have any advice on where to start troubleshooting?

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Re: Running on Mint, permission denied writing to shares on Synology

Post by jcfp »

Without logs and actual error messages, it's impossible to tell what's going on. That said, permissions error are usually not a bug in sabnzbd itself, as the program simply passes on the message it in turn received from the operating system when trying to write/access files and directories.
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Re: Running on Mint, permission denied writing to shares on Synology

Post by Johnster »

To follow up, I got it working by adding dir_mode=777 to the mount command.
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