SABnzbd+ binary newsgrabber: service not enabled

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Joined: November 12th, 2023, 4:30 am

SABnzbd+ binary newsgrabber: service not enabled

Post by aarontharker »

So I've just installed sabnzbdplus on my Ubuntu server via this procedure listed for Ubuntu installs. When I try to start the service it crashes silently with the following -

Nov 12 08:00:42 server systemd[1]: Starting LSB: SABnzbd+ binary newsgrabber...
Nov 12 08:00:42 server sabnzbdplus[197515]: * SABnzbd+ binary newsgrabber: service not enabled, edit /etc/default/sabn>
Nov 12 08:00:42 server systemd[1]: Started LSB: SABnzbd+ binary newsgrabber.

I have read all the previous posts regarding this and tried everything I can find. I have added my username in /etc/default/sabnzbdplus and also tried commenting out all the other options as I found in one of the previous posts but it has made no difference. Are there any other ideas on what may be wrong?
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