SAB seems to defeat QoS

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SAB seems to defeat QoS

Post by RedPenguin »

I am trying to figure out what is going on with my SAB while it downloads. My 100M/10MB connection becomes very sluggish fir TV streaming devices trying to watch YouTube and others.

I run SAB 4.1.0 on Ubuntu 22.04 on a 3GHZ Dual Core.

My Internet is ran by a 2GHZ Dual Core PC running ClearOS/CentOS as the router and QoS setup for a 100mbit/10mbit cable connection.

Now here is where it gets confusing.

If I download with various tools like wget, yt-dlp, nm3u8_dl, etc that are known to really use speed, the QoS appears flawless to where I can even do VoIP calls with zero issue. Even if I use the official Newshosting App, my connection seems fine.

Yet strangely, when I use SAB with Newshosting, all the sudden YouTube and other stuff starts buffering.

I got a little better results when I tried lowering SAB to 30 or less connections and trying to tell SAB not to go over 9 megabytes/sec but still lag.

It just seems like SAB somehow is getting basically all bandwidth and the QoS isn't sharing it like expected.

I'm trying to figure out a way to diagnose if it's definitely the QoS or possibly a switch or the cable modem.

I checked already that CPU or Memory isn't being exauted on the router, but it always shows little CPU and Memory use while SAB is downloading. I also checked if the Network Interfaces are dropping packets but no there also.
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Re: SAB seems to defeat QoS

Post by jcfp »

Note that QoS does not "share" your bandwidth so that other services are guaranteed to get the minimum they need, it merely tries to prioritize. There's limits to how much that can do: usenet downloading uses many concurrent threads, while the other services you mention are typically single threaded.

Saturating a mere 100 Mbit connection typically don't require a lot of connections; try what speed you get with a single connection to your usenet server and adjust the number of connections accordingly. If QoS still can't manage then, set a speedlimit in sabnzbd low enough to stop your other services from being affected. Note that speedlimits can also be scheduled to only be in effect during certain times of the day.
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Re: SAB seems to defeat QoS

Post by RedPenguin »


Thanks again for the info, it allowed to to completely rethink my QoS and get it practically flawless now.

I told my QoS to prioritize my streaming devices and care less about the SAB PC.

I had 3 newshosting servers in my SAB and noticed if you limit each to only 3 connections, I can reach the 9 megabytes/sec limit that I put on SAB. Originally 1 connectiom to each server limited the speed to only 6 MB/s.

Even with SAB going, the streaming devices, even with YouTube 4K, basically function now as if SAB wasn't even running.
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