Assertion failed on Ubuntu machine

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Assertion failed on Ubuntu machine

Post by xeddog »

(sabnzbdplus:5809): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 15:17:08.441: gtk_widget_get_scale_factor: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed

I had a rather strange power situation a couple of days ago. Strange because only a couple of clocks in different parts of the house needed to be set, one of 3 Raspberry Pi's disconnected from a device, and even the VCR still had the correct time on the display. (JK about the VCR). But the weird one, all of my network equipment shutdown even though they were all connected to a UPS which showed no signs of trouble. I don't know if it is related to this or not, so that is why I added it.

The computer running SABNZB was also a victim. The network interface seems to have failed, but I replaced it. And as for the software, the VPN client never recovered, and SABNZBD would no longer start because the .desktop file I used to start it is just flat gone. poof. And most of the SABNZBD files are gone.

So, hoping to take the quick route, I uninstalled SAB and re-installed it from the PPA. No errors on the re-install, so I tried to start it so I could configure it.That is when I get the error at the top. I have no idea what to do about it. Google is not being my friend today (I hate google, but . . .)

Any help is welcome.


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Re: Assertion failed on Ubuntu machine

Post by jcfp »

Posts: 33
Joined: April 12th, 2011, 10:55 am

Re: Assertion failed on Ubuntu machine

Post by xeddog »

I finally found the sabnzbdplus.ini file located in Ubuntu's ~/.local/sabnzbdplus directory. Turned off the tray icon and fixed that problem. On to the next.

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