post spanning multiple nzb files

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post spanning multiple nzb files

Post by Rayj1701 »

New user here, hopefully a simple question but I haven't found anything searching through the forum, yet.

When I search my indexing service, easynews, some posts end up split on separate pages and end up split into more than one nzb file. It seems Sabnzbd doesn't like this and reports not enough PAR files for complete download error message even though all files are present when I use my old newsreader, newsrover. One suggestion I found was to put the multiple NZB files into a zip file and let the program queue it from there, but the software still splits the zip into separate jobs based on nzb.

How best to get these split posts to work in this software? settings I need to confirm are on or off? Is there a way to let Sabnzbd just download the individual files and let me combine them later? It seems the incomplete files are deleted before I can copy them somewhere else. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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Re: post spanning multiple nzb files

Post by jcfp »

In sabnzbd and pretty much any other program that uses nzb files, each and every nzb is supposed to be a standalone, complete download; that is also how indexers tend to present results. From what you describe, this "easynews" service is downloading usenet group headers manually or presenting results in that fashion to end users, which has been a very outdated way of dealing with usenet binaries for quite a while.

While zip files (and several other common archive types) with nzbs inside are accepted by the program, that feature is intended so the user can select and download multiple separate jobs from an indexer at once. Sabnzbd cannot combine nzb files on its own, so no settings for that exist either.

That said, you can always combine nzb files by hand: they're all just plain text files using a simple to understand xml format. Switching to a modern indexer is probably a faster and easier option though.
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Re: post spanning multiple nzb files

Post by Rayj1701 »

Easynews is a modern indexer, the keyword searches I do produce pages of posts and often individual posts are split into more than one nzb. Is there a way to totall turn off post processing and just use this software as a .rar and .par downloader?
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Re: post spanning multiple nzb files

Post by safihre »

If it splits posts into multiple jobs, it's not a good indexer because that's exactly what indexers do: they make sure the files stay together.
Even nzbindex has a function to combine multiple jobs into 1 using chekboxes in front of the jobs in the main results list.

Anyway, you can set your Default category to only Download in the Config Categories page and then all it will do is just download stuff.
If you then set on that same page the path to * for the Default category, all files will be unpacked into 1 folder.

But, you miss all the useful functionality of SAB where it automatically repairs jobs and aborts jobs that can never be repeated anyway.
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