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Scheduler should take orders in human langauge?

Posted: February 23rd, 2008, 11:59 am
by nzb_leecher
Current Schedules
» 50 18 * pause

» 5 21 * resume

I cant believe there is a country somewhere that talk this way. MM:HH
Or am i that wrong?

Why doesnt it accept time in a normal fashin like
18 50- pause
21 05- resume

Should be more readble this way. Or am i the only one who finds this difficult?

Also switch the 2 listboxes HH and MM in this order.

Re: Scheduler should take orders in human langauge?

Posted: February 23rd, 2008, 12:48 pm
by doubledrat
it makes sense if you read crontabs ;)

agreed, even if the input routing remained the same, it could be displayed in a more friendly fashion and sorted in time order too, so you can see the correct order.  but hell, it works...

Re: Scheduler should take orders in human langauge?

Posted: February 23rd, 2008, 5:32 pm
by nzb_leecher
Ah it isnt the end of the world, but i thought lets make a comment about it,  maybe someone picks it up  ;D

Re: Scheduler should take orders in human langauge?

Posted: February 24th, 2008, 8:57 am
by nzb_leecher
If you have some spare time, could have a 1 time setting added.

Let me explain, i always forget to delete the schedule settings! I dont know how, but eacht time i just dont think of it anymore, its so stupid  :-[

It would be nice, if i could add a schedule settings that only last 1 time and after its done it deletes itself from the schedule.