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Sabnzbd 0.5.6 pauses for only 4secs and resumes by itself ???

Posted: December 10th, 2010, 8:12 pm
by Celox
i just noticed something weird.
when i hit the pause button it pauses the download for only 4secs and resumes it by itself (the button stays at paused)
anyone know what it could be? i checked sab's error.log but its empty

im running on lucid 10.04.1 Kernel 2.6.32-26-generic (ubuntu minimalistic iso install)
i never had a problem with the box or sabnzbd before, pause stayed "paused" and it never started the download by itself

Re: Sabnzbd 0.5.6 pauses for only 4secs and resumes by itself ???

Posted: December 11th, 2010, 4:36 am
by shypike
You don't have "resume" in the scheduler?
Try clearing the browser cache.

Re: Sabnzbd 0.5.6 pauses for only 4secs and resumes by itself ???

Posted: December 12th, 2010, 12:04 am
by Celox
i dont have a schedule setup at all.
tried clearing the browser cache no luck. it simply resumes the download by itself after exactly 4 seconds

the status stays at paused but it resumes the dl (see picture) the button stays at resume:


here is what the log says:

Code: Select all

2010-12-12 05:59:24,145::INFO::[downloader:338] Pausing <-- this is where i hit "Pause"
2010-12-12 05:59:24,147::INFO::[downloader:724] Thread [email protected]:563: forcing disconnect
2010-12-12 05:59:24,446::INFO::[nzbqueue:92] Saving queue
2010-12-12 05:59:24,553::INFO::[postproc:134] Saving postproc queue
2010-12-12 05:59:24,661::INFO::[downloader:724] Thread [email protected]:563: forcing disconnect
2010-12-12 05:59:24,763::INFO::[downloader:724] Thread [email protected]:563: forcing disconnect
2010-12-12 05:59:30,874::INFO::[downloader:465] [email protected]:563: Initiating connection <-- wtf it connects without me hitting "resume"
2010-12-12 05:59:31,021::INFO::[downloader:465] [email protected]:563: Initiating connection
2010-12-12 05:59:31,171::INFO::[downloader:465] [email protected]:563: Initiating connection
2010-12-12 05:59:31,339::INFO::[downloader:654] Connecting [email protected]:563 finished
2010-12-12 05:59:31,342::INFO::[downloader:654] Connecting [email protected]:563 finished
2010-12-12 05:59:31,348::INFO::[downloader:654] Connecting [email protected]:563 finished
ok not really 4secs but close i just watched the traffic-bar on smpl and looked like 4sec

i also tried a never before used browser which is Internet Explorer, its the same so def not caching problem :/

Re: Sabnzbd 0.5.6 pauses for only 4secs and resumes by itself ???

Posted: December 12th, 2010, 7:01 am
by shypike
Totally weird and I cannot explain it.
Can you try another skin, like Plush?

You don't have some third-party utility communicating with SABnzbd?

Re: Sabnzbd 0.5.6 pauses for only 4secs and resumes by itself ???

Posted: December 12th, 2010, 7:09 pm
by Celox
already tried plush with the same result :(
the only third-party utility which i use with sabnzbd is sickbeard ( ) but it offers no such option as auto-resume and its configuration is untouched from the time before sabnzbd started having that weird behavior
is there any dependency that could sabnzbd make it behave like it does?

Re: Sabnzbd 0.5.6 pauses for only 4secs and resumes by itself ???

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 6:24 am
by shypike
Well, disconnect SickBeard from SABnzbd and see if it still happens.

Re: Sabnzbd 0.5.6 pauses for only 4secs and resumes by itself ???

Posted: December 17th, 2010, 8:04 am
by Celox
sry was busy had no time to test! i just disconnected sickbeard and made sure the service is stopped (not running at all) and the problem persists!
what dependency could cause this behavior?

Re: Sabnzbd 0.5.6 pauses for only 4secs and resumes by itself ???

Posted: December 17th, 2010, 3:07 pm
by shypike
"Disk almost full" would cause this.
Did you set a too large minimum free disk space in Config->Folders?

Re: Sabnzbd 0.5.6 pauses for only 4secs and resumes by itself ???

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 4:58 am
by Celox
"Minimum Free Space for Temporary Download Folder:" is set to 100M
which i think was the default upon installation. i have 10gb free disk space on the partition where the Temporary Download Folder is located.
i use an 16GB SSD for all temporary cache/data and the os, once the download is finished its moved to an external 1TB drive using "Completed Download Folder:"
it worked perfectly like this for the past four months without any changes and problems (except updates)

it is really weird i kinda got the feeling its an dependency that recently came with an ubuntu update and ever since it behaves like this

Re: Sabnzbd 0.5.6 pauses for only 4secs and resumes by itself ???

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 5:50 am
by shypike
Which Ubuntu do you use?

Re: Sabnzbd 0.5.6 pauses for only 4secs and resumes by itself ???

Posted: December 19th, 2010, 12:06 pm
by Celox
Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS x64 kernel: 2.6.32-26-generic

Re: Sabnzbd 0.5.6 pauses for only 4secs and resumes by itself ???

Posted: December 19th, 2010, 1:57 pm
by shypike
What happens if you set the "minimum" to 0, disabling the check altogether?
Is that the Desktop or Server version?

Re: Sabnzbd 0.5.6 pauses for only 4secs and resumes by itself ???

Posted: December 20th, 2010, 9:08 am
by Celox
its the server version. i always use an minimalistic distribution and only install necessary packages, applications etc to keep a small footprint and an clean system. all my boxes run headless the one i used for this box was ... s/netboot/ (including all up-to-date safe-updates, no alpha builds)

i just tested your suggestion of disabling the check (setting it to "0")! and guess what it worked o_O!?! it stopped resuming by its own.
one thing i did before testing your suggestion though, i did an upgrade to kernel 2.6.32-27-generic

got curious and changed the value back to "100M" and restarted sabnzbd service and it resumes and pauses like there never was a problem??
so weird... was it the kernel update or was it the re-write of the config file? or something entirely different?
anyways im glad it works as intended now :) thanks for your patience and help!
if you need some more debugging, just let me know!

Re: Sabnzbd 0.5.6 pauses for only 4secs and resumes by itself ???

Posted: December 20th, 2010, 9:34 am
by shypike
Never change two parameters at once :)
It is possible that SABnzbd gets a wrong "disk free" value from the OS
or that it reads the wrong value from the sabnzbd.ini file.
Given the simplicity of the check, I'd say SABnzbd got the wrong info from the OS.
Glad that it works now.

Re: Sabnzbd 0.5.6 pauses for only 4secs and resumes by itself ???

Posted: January 3rd, 2011, 9:32 pm
by nomar383
I noticed this exact same problem on two separate OS X boxes over the past few weeks. Both were using the Plush skin (not that it probably matters). I had to disable the Usenet server in the server settings to get it to pause properly.

Both were running 0.6 alpha 7 or 8.