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How to best setup Couch Potato + Sick Beard

Posted: March 1st, 2011, 7:29 am
by SavellM
Ok I have been wondering this for awhile.

What is the best setup for Couch Potato + Sick Beard?
As in whats the best settings?
How have you setup your post processing?
As I cannot get mine to work correctly, or when I get SB to do the post processing it doesnt work, and so on.

So basically I wanted to know your settings for CP and SB to work with SABnzbd?

Thanks guys, really appreciate any help on this.

Re: How to best setup Couch Potato + Sick Beard

Posted: July 17th, 2011, 8:42 pm
by airron
I let couch potato and sick beard post process everything.

I have sickbeard send to the TV folder of Sabnzbd which calls the sabToSickBeard.lnk under the script option in the configuration menu. I setup a scripts folder via the post processing option under the folder configuration and put all the scripts I call in there. I use the script sick beard provided autoProcessTV\

I also let sick beard name everything and organize everything for TV shows. Make sure all your TV show folders are accurate and valid.

I let couch potato do all the renaming and then move the folder and files to my movie location. While cleaning up the original download location (I use multiple hard drives so I don't want stuff left over).

I populate all the coverart, movie information, pictures with Media Center Master. It does an awesome job and helps keep everything in neat order for XBMC.

I'll try to answer any additional questions, but I found most of the stuff I setup through this forum, the documentation, and google. It's just takes some trial and error and some frustration, but its a thing of beauty once done. It took me a long time to get it where I want it, be patient and concentrate on one thing at a time. Good luck.

Re: How to best setup Couch Potato + Sick Beard

Posted: February 18th, 2012, 12:26 am
by DarlingMiriam
Hi guys

Am using SickBeard with SABNZBD for TV and have Couch Potato for movies.

Am a n00b with this stuff.

TV stuff all working fine, but can you point me to a suitable post-processing script for movies?

Huge thanks in advance!


Re: How to best setup Couch Potato + Sick Beard

Posted: December 22nd, 2012, 1:32 pm
by pcgirl
I am confused about this as well. From what I am understanding, I should have couchpotato and sickbeard to all the processing. So in SAB I have it set to have the Incompletes go to C:\Media Downloads\Incomplete and the completed downloads to go to C:\Media Downloads\Complete. However, how do I set SAB categories up? Do I setup movies to with the folder path Movies and tv with the folder path TV? Also would I setup tv with the sabtosickbeard.exe post script? So now would have sickbeard look in the folder C:\Media Download\Complete\TV and couchpotato to look in C:\Media Downloads\Complete\Movies s to do the postprocessing?

Re: How to best setup Couch Potato + Sick Beard

Posted: December 31st, 2012, 12:47 pm
by brando56894
From the Sick Beard Wiki article on Post Processing:
Post Processing is for NEW DOWNLOADS only - do NOT post process your existing show dirs!

Post processing is the ability of Sick Beard to automatically rename your downloads and sort them into the proper folders. Without this you will need to manually copy them over and then re-scan the show directory to find the new episodes.

To set up post processing, first copy the contents of the autoProcessTV directory from your Sick Beard installation to your SABnzbd+ scripts folder (or set your scripts folder to the location of the autoProcessTV directory). Rename autoProcessTV.cfg.sample to simply autoProcessTV.cfg and open it in a text editor. Change the host, port, username, and password values to the appropriate settings for your Sick Beard server. Then set the appropriate script as your postprocessing script inside SABnzbd+/HellaNZB: - linux/OSX SABnzbd+

sabToSickbeard.exe - Windows SABnzbd+ - HellaNZB

Note: If your SABnzbd+ is running on a different PC than your Sick Beard you may need to enter your TV download dir into your Sick Beard settings so that Sick Beard knows how to find the SABnzbd+ downloads.

Note 2: You must disable SAB sorting to use Sick Beard post processing, all episodes should be being post-processed from a temporary download folder.

Re: How to best setup Couch Potato + Sick Beard

Posted: December 31st, 2012, 12:54 pm
by pcgirl
Thanks, it seems to be working now. Although I would like some advice on setting the "required words" and "preferred words" to get a better file download. Lately it has been downloading files that fail in SAB.

Re: How to best setup Couch Potato + Sick Beard

Posted: January 4th, 2013, 3:33 am
by DrSabb
Its my experience that CP quite often snatches incomplete nzb files.. why it cant simply check to see how complete the file is before it snatches is beyond me, especially as this information is actually visible if you manually visit the index stie and view the file info...