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Newzbin gets a letter from the MPA(A) [sic]

Posted: May 22nd, 2008, 3:33 pm
by neilt0
"Newzbin has today received a letter from the Motion Picture Association (MPA).
In the letter, they claim that some editors may be reporting material from Usenet that is infringing the copyright of their members.

While these claims have not been substantiated, it should be noted that Newzbin does not condone the distribution or indexing of such materials. We will immediately act to remove any items that are found to be infringing copyright.

Please take a moment to refer to our Terms and Conditions, in particular sections 4 and 4.2.

Please note that we may revoke privileges, or ban accounts, of users found to be violating these Terms and Conditions."

Re: Newzbin gets a letter from the MPA(A) [sic]

Posted: May 22nd, 2008, 4:00 pm
by huleboeren
How to interpret? :S

Re: Newzbin gets a letter from the MPA(A) [sic]

Posted: May 22nd, 2008, 6:41 pm
by jp22382
huleboeren wrote: How to interpret? :S
We all may be getting very friendly with the Usenet (Cond) and Usenet (Raw) views soon...

Re: Newzbin gets a letter from the MPA(A) [sic]

Posted: May 22nd, 2008, 6:43 pm
by huleboeren
jp22382 wrote: We all may be getting very friendly with the Usenet (Cond) and Usenet (Raw) views soon...
Newzbin will be saying goodbye to ALOT of customers if that happens :P
Better alternatives out there then imo

Re: Newzbin gets a letter from the MPA(A) [sic]

Posted: May 22nd, 2008, 7:06 pm
by inpheaux
pair of dimes wrote: I can see Newzbin just going invite-only.
Newzbin is already invite-only.

I'm not sure how this is going to play out yet. Companies have tried to take on Newzbin in the past. If companies want to pull reports, they have stuff to do it. Furthermore, I still don't see how anything Newzbin hosts could be considered infringing media, since they host nothing copyrighted, they only host and distribute descriptions of content, not the content itself. They are not considered an integral part in the copyright infringement like a torrent tracker would be, because if you shut down Newzbin effectively nothing happens to the original content. It's all still out there, you just have to get your nzb from somewhere else.

Re: Newzbin gets a letter from the MPA(A) [sic]

Posted: May 22nd, 2008, 7:08 pm
by huleboeren
How is that any different from torrents?
Not all torrent indexers have trackers..

Re: Newzbin gets a letter from the MPA(A) [sic]

Posted: May 22nd, 2008, 7:20 pm
by erdeoz
This will be the end of Newzbin, the IFPI and BSA will ask for the same thing and soon enough you'll only be able to find open source software and creative commons music. I'm just glad there are more nzb sites :)

Maybe some Russian will start or and we'll all forget about Newzbin.

Newzbin 2002 - 2008  :'(

Re: Newzbin gets a letter from the MPA(A) [sic]

Posted: May 26th, 2008, 4:09 pm
by Ludicrum
Unfortunately, it seems Newzbin is panicking.

According to this message on their semi-official forum they are planning to get rid of report listings completely and go entirely automated. This will turn the once great Newzbin into a second-rate NZB search engine. Maybe they'll actually create a system that works, but based on what I'm reading at the moment I have my doubts.

I'm already looking for alternative sources in case of a worst-case scenario. Newzbin has spoiled me, I'm afraid, so it will take me a while to get used to using something not as convenient.

Re: Newzbin gets a letter from the MPA(A) [sic]

Posted: May 26th, 2008, 5:58 pm
by auskento
They should just move the hosting of the newzbin to a country where it wont be an issue :)

Re: Newzbin gets a letter from the MPA(A) [sic]

Posted: May 27th, 2008, 1:14 pm
by rascalli
well let's hope they a smart and do something like that.

as otherwise i need to find other tools to replace  NZB-TV .. and personaly I don't want that '-)

Re: Newzbin gets a letter from the MPA(A) [sic]

Posted: May 28th, 2008, 3:00 pm
by L33tMasta
Man this sucks. Why should they panic? If they make enough cash off of this then just move the server to Sweden PirateBay style.

Re: Newzbin gets a letter from the MPA(A) [sic]

Posted: May 30th, 2008, 4:45 am
by KaiUno
I've been using Newzbin for years and I will mis it very, very much. Why don't they put up a fight? It's only a letter and they're not even sure what they're doing is illegal. As stated before, just move the bloody server out of the country.

So... folks, ant decent alternatives? I'm willing to pay for a service like this.

Re: Newzbin gets a letter from the MPA(A) [sic]

Posted: May 30th, 2008, 11:06 am
by DeXeS
why don't they just kick out the nzb attachments and let people create a nzb through a usenet search site.

Re: Newzbin gets a letter from the MPA(A) [sic]

Posted: May 31st, 2008, 12:42 am
by L33tMasta
If they switch to something that could be available FREE I'm never going back. It makes me regret topping off for a year at christmas.

Re: Newzbin gets a letter from the MPA(A) [sic]

Posted: May 31st, 2008, 11:16 am
by L33tMasta
I haven't noticed any changes to the service. Still acting like it always does.