RC 2 question.

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RC 2 question.

Post by ferno »

What does this mean?

Removed group-based folders

I hope you do not mean the option to create subdirs in the blackhole dir with category names so dropped nzb's get the correct category assigned automaticly.

That is a killer feature and if removed I will have to stick with beta 5.  :-\ :'(
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Re: RC 2 question.

Post by switch »

The sabnzbd categories will now handle downloads in the same way as the "newzbin cats" option would work before in default setup.

A default category setup looks like this:

If you want to go back to default, delete all your current categories, and click on the link "Click here to setup newzbin categories".

This will now work exactly like the old "newzbin cats". However it also allows for much more freedom in terms of where you want the downloads for each category to go, and what scripts or unpack options you want.

Edit: Just realised I don't answer your question, sorry.
Last edited by switch on June 3rd, 2008, 5:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RC 2 question.

Post by shypike »

Nothing changed for the black hole.
It's just that user-defined categories and newzbin-category-based-folders overlapped.
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