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Usenet Account Sharing

Posted: November 29th, 2011, 8:23 pm
by bnevets27
Given the ability of the API now, this seems possible.

I would like the ability to share a usenet account between two people. Currently I just have both sabnzbd setup on schedules that do not overlap. What would be a lot nicer is if the sabnzbd installations could talk to each other and I could assign a priority to each one.

(sabnzbd1 and sabnzbd2 are in different locations, they would be talking over WAN)
sabnzbd1 - 1st priority
sabnzbd2 - 2nd priority

sabnzbd1 is currently downloading, sabnzbd2 looks to see if sabnzbd1 is busy if sabnzbd1 is busy wait and check again after say 5mins

sabnzbd2 is currently downloading and sabnzbd1 wants to start a download, sabnzbd1 pauses sabnzbd2. when sabnzbd1 is done unpause sabnzbd2

Or something along those lines.
More complex would be going it based on the priority of the downloads in the queues.

I will understand if the sabnzbd team doesn't want to do this due to the fact it is basically allowing account sharing on services that it is against the agreement. But I would like the feature regardless, user agreements are broken all the time anyhow :P

Re: Usenet Account Sharing

Posted: November 29th, 2011, 11:11 pm
by sander
Easy solution: get a newsserver account that allows account sharing, for example Eweka. Problem solved.

Re: Usenet Account Sharing

Posted: November 30th, 2011, 10:43 am
by shypike
bnevets27 wrote: sabnzbd1 is currently downloading, sabnzbd2 looks to see if sabnzbd1 is busy if sabnzbd1 is busy wait and check again after say 5mins
sabnzbd2 is currently downloading and sabnzbd1 wants to start a download, sabnzbd1 pauses sabnzbd2. when sabnzbd1 is done unpause sabnzbd2
There is no way we are going to spend time on a way to
implement peer-to-peer connectivity between SABnzbd instances,
which needs to be both reliable and secure.

BTW: currently SABnzbd already inspects server messages for "account sharing"
and will pause when it detects it.
This may not work for all providers, because each has it's own non-standard messages.