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[0.4.2] Mac OS X no long connects on http://localhost:8008/sabnzbd/

Posted: August 1st, 2008, 3:01 am
by syth
Since installing 0.4.2 I either have to connect to LAN IP for en0 or to LAN IP for en1 or to LAN IP for en2.  Seems to be random which one.  it will not connect to http://localhost:8008/sabnzbd/

currently it's on (en2, or Airport, LAN IP)

also, my download queue was cleared after shutting own 0.4.0 and installing 0.4.2

And yes, apache is listening on localhost, but not on port 8008.

This also means the greasemonkey script for newzbin no longer works.


Ah... interesting.  in 0.4.0 the host was set to the various LAN IPs, localhost, and my CNAME hostname.  All of these worked.  Now only the first one or two (IPs) seem to work and the locahost and hostname do not.  Setting host to just 'localhost' seems to work, btu then I can't access it remotely via my dyndns name.

Re: [0.4.2] Mac OS X no long connects on http://localhost:8008/sabnzbd/

Posted: August 11th, 2008, 5:26 pm
by syth
Hmm.. no replies on the post.  Basically, in 0.4.2 it is impossible to access sabnzbd remotely as I did with 0.4.0.  Any hostname value other than locoalhost or a LAN IP means the webface is not accessible.  I can access my apache on port 80 using my dyndns name, and I was able to access sabnzbd on my dyndns name on port 8008 in 0.4.0.

Kinda annoying as when I was on vacation I had to download nzb files and then upload them into the watch folder via WEBDAV.

Re: [0.4.2] Mac OS X no long connects on http://localhost:8008/sabnzbd/

Posted: August 11th, 2008, 5:51 pm
by switch
I'm not sure I fully understand your issue/network setup, but it could be an ipv6 issue of some sort.

Have you tried using the host: in sabnzbd? This can also have issues with ipv6 (mainly under vista), however it will allow listening on all interfaces.

Btw, you will only get localhost and ip working when using, otherwise you need pick one and stick to it, I'm sure you can edit the greasemonkey script, or use the nzbdstatus firefox addon instead.

Re: [0.4.2] Mac OS X no long connects on http://localhost:8008/sabnzbd/

Posted: August 11th, 2008, 8:17 pm
by syth
switch wrote: I'm not sure I fully understand your issue/network setup, but it could be an ipv6 issue of some sort.
No, I have ipv6 disabled.  Basically, in 0.4.0 I was able to enter localhost,, me.mydomain.tld into the hostname field and that worked.  I could access sabnzbd from localhost on my own machine, or from my dyndns name, of from the CNAME on my doamin that pointed to my dyndns name.

As of 0.4.2 the only thing that works is 'localhost' or a LAN IP.
switch wrote: Btw, you will only get localhost and ip working when using, otherwise you need pick one and stick to it, I'm sure you can edit the greasemonkey script, or use the nzbdstatus firefox addon instead.
the issue is being able to access sabnzbd when I am not at my own machine.  Currently that doesn't work the way it did.  It is possible that putting my dyndns name or CNAME might work, but then I can't access the webface locally. I'll look for nzbdstatus though...

Re: [0.4.2] Mac OS X no long connects on http://localhost:8008/sabnzbd/

Posted: August 12th, 2008, 3:34 am
by shypike
Is your system connected to a router or connected directly to the Internet?

In the first situation, shouldn't you use an address like 192.168.1.x ?

Re: [0.4.2] Mac OS X no long connects on http://localhost:8008/sabnzbd/

Posted: August 12th, 2008, 10:31 am
by syth
My system is connected to a router, but my system has an external DNS name on my own domain.  This is how I ssh into my machine, access its web client, and access screen sharing and such.  All of this works, except for Sabnzbd, which does not seem to see both the internal (localhost/LAN IP) and the external (dyndns name/CNAME), though it did in 0.4.0.

And 10/8 is a LAN IP range, just like 192.168/16 and 172.16/12.

Re: [0.4.2] Mac OS X no long connects on http://localhost:8008/sabnzbd/

Posted: August 12th, 2008, 11:30 am
by shypike
SABnzbd can never use your external IP address, that's reserved for the router.
It can only use localhost and/or the LAN-IP.
The rest of the path is covered using port-forwarding on the router.

Assuming that DNS resolving works properly on your system, you should try address
This will make SABnzbd listen on both localhost and the LAN-IP.
As a last resort you can use the numerical LAN-IP address.

There have been changes to the DNS resolving code. This is an improvement for some,
but may have made it worse for others.
The fact is that DNS resolving is a mess, different for each OS and often badly configured too.

Using the proper numerical IP address, you should at least be able to get it going.

Re: [0.4.2] Mac OS X no long connects on http://localhost:8008/sabnzbd/

Posted: August 20th, 2008, 2:56 am
by syth
Forgot to reply back. did work.  I still don't know why it changed from 0.4.0, but at least it is working now.  Thanks!