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NAS Device to Support NZB Download or SABNZBD

Posted: December 19th, 2011, 10:45 am
by alex1002
Anyone know a NAS device that could support NZB downloading directly on the device without a computer?

Re: NAS Device to Support NZB Download or SABNZBD

Posted: December 21st, 2011, 9:41 am
by hanker
I'm using a Seagate Dockstar running Debian squeeze as a NAS and to run sabnzbd and rtorrent. Works great - it's cheap and has low power consumption. Dockstars are no longer made but can be found on amazon, ebay and other places. See here for info on running Debian on it:

Re: NAS Device to Support NZB Download or SABNZBD

Posted: December 21st, 2011, 9:53 am
by alex1002
hanker wrote:I'm using a Seagate Dockstar running Debian squeeze as a NAS and to run sabnzbd and rtorrent. Works great - it's cheap and has low power consumption. Dockstars are no longer made but can be found on amazon, ebay and other places. See here for info on running Debian on it:
Thank you sir,
I cant find any of these in Canada from ebay nor amazon. Would the PogoPLug do any Magic?

Re: NAS Device to Support NZB Download or SABNZBD

Posted: December 21st, 2011, 1:28 pm
by hanker
alex1002 wrote: Thank you sir,
I cant find any of these in Canada from ebay nor amazon. Would the PogoPLug do any Magic?

I have never done it myself, but there are those who run Debian on the Pogoplug. It's a similar platform. I know there's some discussion of Debian on the Pogoplug on

Re: NAS Device to Support NZB Download or SABNZBD

Posted: January 20th, 2012, 1:34 am
by Nillaz
I know this thread is a few weeks old, but I thought I'd mention that I run sabnzbd on a Synology NAS. Not the cheapest NAS on the market by any means but it works extremely well.

Re: NAS Device to Support NZB Download or SABNZBD

Posted: January 20th, 2012, 8:48 am
by alex1002
Thank you for the advice, ive discovered that the sysnology dsm is really nice, and also theres qnap with better hardware and does sab. Do you need a strong cpu for sabnzbd to extract?

Re: NAS Device to Support NZB Download or SABNZBD

Posted: January 20th, 2012, 6:22 pm
by Nillaz
My DS411 has a 1.6GHz single core ARM processor. It handles the load just fine even with multiple packages running concurrently. The only thing I have come across so far that is beyond it's means is real time transcoding of video, but there are so few off the shelf NAS devices capable of this (at what I consider a reasonable consumer price point) that's it's pretty much a pie in the sky dream.

QNAP makes fine products as's like the difference between Coke and Pepsi, and really the only reason I decided on the Synology is because I fell in love with their OS implementation. DSM is an amazingly flexible GUI.