Set RSS Checking Interval Per Feed

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Set RSS Checking Interval Per Feed

Post by dreamscene »


Would it be possible to implement an option to set the RSS checking interval on a per feed basis?

I think it could be useful in many scenarios, but I will illustrate using my intended purpose to exemplify:
While is moving away from the "My Searches" feature (probably due to load constraints), similar results can be replicated by using the newznab API. I want to cause excellent (and yet completely free) sites like as little trouble (and therefore load) as possible.
Checking my two main feeds (My Cart & My Shows) once an hour with 25 results, thus creating 48 light API hits a day, is more than enough for me. I do not need my stuff 0sec or even 0hour.

But I also want to create some API search calls for other categories in order to replicate the "My Searches" feature. For these kinds of feeds an interval of 60 minutes is way too frequent (and I would not feel comfortable setting them up that way). For some once a day, for others even once a week would suffice.
For different recurring things that the newznab crawler does not index, I intend to use an RSS enabled search indexer like e.g. I would not want to cause them unnecessary traffic by polling more than needed either.

In my opinion this would be a great feature for "socially aware" users to spare sites unnecessary traffic and load.
It would be fantastic if you'd consider implementing it :)


€dit: Just noticed I should have posted this topic in the feature requests section. Sorry, please move.
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Re: Set RSS Checking Interval Per Feed

Post by shypike »

Noted, but for a later release.
It is possible to schedule RSS read-outs in Config->Scheduler, but that's still for
the whole set. Also you can trigger a full scan from the main page.
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Re: Set RSS Checking Interval Per Feed

Post by dreamscene »

Thank you very much for your consideration, shypike.
I knew about the other options and thought it might also be accomplished using the scheduler. An option to activate / deactivate single RSS feeds (like one can with servers) would also suffice.
I will probably write a small shellscript for a cronjob to activate / deactivate certain RSS feeds for the time being.
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Re: Set RSS Checking Interval Per Feed

Post by dreamscene »

It's been a while.. :D
Still feel myself longing for this feature from time to time.
Any chance for an implementation sometime in the future?
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Re: Set RSS Checking Interval Per Feed

Post by shypike »

The trouble with requests like these is that it's mostly tedious changes in the user interface.
Combined with the fact that the target group is probably quite small...
I'll see what I can do, maybe it's something I can do as a partial comeback.
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Re: Set RSS Checking Interval Per Feed

Post by dreamscene »


While I get that most people are using the *rrs (Sonarr, Radarr, etc.) for all kinds of automation nowadays, I am a big fan of keeping things simple and efficient if at all possible. Like Sab itself, you might say :)

E.g. for comics or audiobooks.
Why set up a convoluted watchdog that parses various RSS feeds multiple times a day, if an RSS hit by Sab once a week and a small post-processing shellscript would suffice, and so on.

Would it be less of a hassle on the UI end to implement the ability to deactivate specific RSS feeds via the scheduler?
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Re: Set RSS Checking Interval Per Feed

Post by safihre »

Agreed with Shypike. It's mostly an interface thing and lots of extra code for a small target audience..
I wouldn't implement it really.
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