Peculiar stuff

Support for the Debian/Ubuntu package, created by JCFP.
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  • Do you experience problems during downloading?
    Check your connection in Status and Interface settings window.
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Peculiar stuff

Post by jwhitt12 »

I am running with ubuntu 18.04.5
Version: 3.1.0RC1 [56343b9]
Uptime: 3m
Config File: /home/greg/.sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini
Parameters: "/usr/bin/sabnzbdplus" "--browser" "1"
Python Version: 3.6.9 (default, Jul 17 2020, 12:50:27) [GCC 8.4.0] [UTF-8]
OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018
Multicore Par2


I am having some strange behavior. When I am trying to download sab shows no activity and then I will be told file is not complete, etc. This has been going on all day. I have tested my connection, re-installed sabnzbdplus with Synaptic, done queue repair, restarted, etc. Right now I have downloaded 1,222 mb with nary an indication that anything is downloading. I have also restarted sab, stopped and then restarted sab, gone to the system manager and killed sab and then restarted sab, etc. I have also tested my connection with the interenet. None of this stuff has changed anything. Oh, I can have, say, five things to download. If I left click on any one of them I am told they are downloading. Often that happens yet there is no indication that anything is happening.

I guess I could have this setup wrong but I have check until blue in the face and find nothing. As far as I can tell I also have had no messages of any import.

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Re: Peculiar stuff

Post by jcfp »

The only not so common thing in the log are a bunch of these:

Code: Select all

INFO::[nzbparser:103] Duplicate part x, but different ID-s 
The remainder looks like standard cases of content removed server side. Ironically, some servers take longer to admit they don't have an article than it would have taken to download it, so sab spending time on some queued job isn't necessarily an indicator of success.
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Re: Peculiar stuff

Post by safihre »

That warning is not the server not having the article, it's the NZB being invalid:
NZB's contain a list of articles in a specific order that together make up the file. In your case the NZB specifies multiple articles for each location in the file, which is impossible.
I would suggest to get a different NZB source.

To test: can you click in the Status and Interface settings window on the test download? Does that one work?
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Re: Peculiar stuff

Post by jwhitt12 »

Thank you for the replies

I think you are saying to test the nzb. I will do that. Another thing that confuses. I get "Download failed - not on your servers - not complete". When it downloads it gets the number of bytes it wanted. I checked the download in ADMIN to check the files. It says its missing thousands of files. The files it does have is about 10% of what was downloaded and several are empty. This, I think is a bit odd. I have tried two sources; nzbnoob and nzbplanet. There are more but I doubt anything will change.

Be back once I test. I tried the test thing and didn't find your suggetions. In Status I have the following tabs:
Latest Warnings
Queue repair
I have no warnings, connections work fine, ran the two options in que repair and tested again in dashboard. The dashboard thing runs the test and something flashes on the screen (have no idea what is says). I also went through setup options but found no tests but the one for server (usenetserver) and that too is fine.

I have no idea where to find any other tests. Oh, If I do test the nfo's I assume that I let sab grab one and then test? When I goto status I get something else flashing across the screen - have no idea what that is. I can send you a couple nzb's if you want, or paste them to pastebin. Oh, I am getting the nzb's from my used nzb's and then restoring them. They get transferred, I think, by sab after being used by sab..

I also saw where I don't have he latest and greatest. According to Synaptic I do. I then went to your install page and which seemed to be overly confusing instead of a list of commands to do the job so I just left it alone. Incidentally, this is where my sabnzbd stuff is on my machine: Default Base Folder: /home/greg/.sabnzbd I am also not a big fan of snap.

sabnzbd dontinues to not show download rates, etc.
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Re: Peculiar stuff

Post by safihre »

Yes, the thousands of missing articles are all those duplicate articles that I spoke about in my previous post. We count them as missing since they are not able to be used.

I Status and Interface settings window, click the "100MB" download and see what happens.
It's very simple.
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Re: Peculiar stuff

Post by jwhitt12 »

Thank you for the reply.........

I forgot one thing. My sabnzbdplus is actually working just fine, except for certain downloads like season 1 of britannia and three movies (divergent, insurgent, and the alst one (forget the name). Somebody doesn't want this stuff available and, I suspect, its not you so much as amazon (who has all of these).

Just a thought.............
I just downloded a movie, no problems. For some reason, however, sabnzbdplus no longer shows the lower have of downloads (history)

where is "click the "100MB" download"
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