SAB Categories

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SAB Categories

Post by Ray071295 »

I am pulling from Planet. In my categories, I have it set for TV to go to one place, movies, books and audio to other places. It works perfectly. Now what I think I want SAB to do (I believe it categories?) is to send; mainly TV to go to more specific folders. In categories, I named the show and the path. It still sent the show the the original generic location. How can I get more specific with the location I want to send each show?
I am on a Mac
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Re: SAB Categories

Post by safihre »

Use Sorting, checkout the examples on the Config > Sorting pages and make sure to enable the series-sorter for the right category.
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Re: SAB Categories

Post by Ray071295 »

I think I understand that. However, my TV series are spread out over a few different drives and not just one and my DL directory seems to allow only one destination. According to my response do i know what you are talking about?
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Re: SAB Categories

Post by safihre »

Ah, using Categories you can get jobs to move to different drives. Set those up in the Path setting of the Category. You have to create multiple categories, one for each drive.
Then you'll need to enable Sorting for all of those if you want also special renaming done of the resulting video file after it's extracted to the desired drive.
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Re: SAB Categories

Post by Ray071295 »

Let me start with categories. When I set SAB up originally, I sent TV shows to one location. As I'm trying to get more specific, it still sends TV shows to the original location. Do I need to get rid of the original location and set each show to it's own location? I sounds like i do and sounds logical. In sorting, I've set my shows the way I want them...i think!
%sn/Season %s/%sn - S%0sE%0e - %en.%ext
I seem t think the default location that shows in sorting is for shows that have no path.
Download Dir: /Volumes/710 NZB/SAB/SAB DL
As there is never anything in there. Is that my temp DL folder? I don't think it is.
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Re: SAB Categories

Post by Ray071295 »

I deleted the main path (/Volumes/710 NZB/***SAB/TV) and created a new path (/Volumes/812 TV S-Z/ Backup). It did not download into the new directory. It downloaded to (/volumes/710 NZB/***SAB/SAB/SAB DL). I can not figure out how to change the path to individual 'folders'. In folders the path is (/Volumes/710 NZB/***SAB/SAB). There is no option to make multiple paths. Any idea? Suggestions?
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