Issues with directories and permissions

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Issues with directories and permissions

Post by thelittleluca »

Hey everyone, I'm new to this whole thing, so I'm sure I'll annoy lots of you. But I have been knocking my head against the wall for the past few days running into issues and I'd really appreciate some help.

I'm running truenas scale, I have individual datasets for each application to keep them seperated. I am on SABnzbd trying to set the incomplete and complete directories to my pool that I have set up but it's giving me an error accessing message no matter what I do. I have tried changing so many different permissions that I just dont know what to try anymore

I have two pools set up. one for applications and one for media. SABnzbd is running on the application pool and has the default apps permissions set. My other pool is seperated like this /mnt/Bulk/Media/Incomplete and /mnt/Bulk/Media/Complete.

I have a custom user/group created and that user/group owns the Media Dataset and both user and group has RWE permissions, that group includes Root, Admin, and Apps.

What am I doing wrong here?
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Re: Issues with directories and permissions

Post by safihre »

What exact error is SABnzbd giving? During startup or during downloading?
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