@rascalli: Well done mate Yes the URL string is the part of the RSS feed.
Make sure the cache folder is writable where you created the .kohana_cache folder.
Why you get a not available page is because your server has not mod_rewrite enebeld. How you enable it I dont know. But you can run autoTvToSab without mod_rewrite. What you need to do is to edit this line
How can I see that they are added to sab ?:
Do you meen how to add shows to sabnzbd queue? If that is the case you have to add the rss feed to sab (it is the same url you find in the menu). I suppose you know how to do that. But I have not figured out how to solve the automatic rss feed yet. In the mean time you have to use crontab. If you click on "update all" you can choose to generate the files needed. Ask google about the crontab script. I cant help you there. When you hit generate the script gonna create two files. One in the root folder of the script and one in the cmd folder. Make sure these folders are writeble. It is the file in the cmd folder your crontab script should update. It works like this in windows i dont know about linux.
Or you can manually add shows to sabnzbd by klicking on the show name and than click on the name of the episode you whant to download. But beware, it is very slow the first time you click on a show name. That is because it has to download all the images you se in the episode list. But it only download the images once.
credit_cards.php is there because autoTvToSab is based on a framework called Kohana nothing to worry about.
I've not tested sickbeard, maybe I should to see how they have solved things. The originally idea was that you should not need to use crontab and stuff like that. But as it is now was just a convenient way out. But it's on my to do list to make it more automatic.
@xplizion: Thanks I dont know what you are doing wrong. Maybe you dont select which site you want to use. If you want to use both nzbmatrix.com and nzbs.org select "use both". If you only want to use nzbs.org select "use nzbs.org"
It's working for me now.
Appearantly there is a validation error on the nzbmatrix username even if you select nzbs.org only.
so just select nzbmatrix, fill in some bogus info, then select nzbs.org and fill in the needed info.
save and done
I also noticed that I had to disable my username/password on sabnzbd to make it work.
Dropping in to say that on OS X (snow leopard) I got it working using MAMP (lamp for mac). I had to change 'index_file' => FALSE, to ( 'index_file' => 'index.php', like morre95 said, but it seems to be working just fine now.
Bit of advice for mac noobs like me. The 'www' folder mentioned is '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs" on mac. Also make sure you change the ports in MAMP preferences to default (80, 3306). Make sure Apache in MAMP preferences has '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs'. I think that's default, but I can't remember.