Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

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Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

Post by stevebeerh »

Hi something very odd has happened when I use SABNZBD...i cant use any of my other internet services i.e. search Google. All I get is a Server not found; Firefox can't find the server at message. and as soon as I stop downloading it goes back to normal.

This is happening on 2 of my computers. Both with a wired connection.

Has anyone else encountered this? Also I’m only being able to download at 550+b/s instead of the old 700+b/s no changes have been made to settings etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Re: Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

Post by shypike »

I guess you're on ASDL.
Set a maximum download speed for SABnzbd (Config->General).
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Re: Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

Post by stevebeerh »

Sky Broadbad... added a change
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Re: Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

Post by stevebeerh »

oh I should also add that I'm getting very random drop off in connection as well
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Re: Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

Post by sander »

Which OS?
How many newsserver connections? Tip: lower to 2 to avoid modem NAT list problems.

Good test on Linux (OS X?): "ping -n", and keep that running.
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Re: Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

Post by stevebeerh »

WIN 7,
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Re: Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

Post by MageMinds »

stevebeerh wrote:Also I’m only being able to download at 550+b/s instead of the old 700+b/s
If you are on cable then your pocket (where all the cable clients in your sector connect to) is overloaded or something broke on their side and there is not enough bandwidth for you and all your neighbour. This create a bottleneck that you can't really control.

Lower your download under 300 KB/s for the time being until your cable co. solve that problem.

Normally I would have recommended a good QoS router, but a QoS router can't even make a difference when there is a problem with your ISP.

I had a similar problem a year ago and my ISP was force to split my pocket in two to restore the speed. I use VoIP phones and I needed to lower my download speed to only 200 KB/s to make sure I could make phone calls. I download ~1.7 MB/s normally... My QoS router caps my connection to a little lower than 1.7 MB/s on a 14 mbits connection that is supposed to do 1.75 MB/s. My ping are always below 50 ms whatever I do, I can max upload and download and still can go to youtube and listen to an HD video and it download faster that I can listen. When you are serious about downloading a good QoS router is the key! Peer-2-peer is even worst than Usenet download. I use a pfSense as my router, it free and Open Source. It can run in anything really and at your speed a Pentium III 800MHz+ would work great, ideally choose Intel NIC as they generally offer TCP offloading. I am running mine out of an Intel® Atom™ D510 (Supermicro X7SPA-H). There are some nice product out there ready to be used as router, I've worked with Soekris' products and they are rock solid and completely solid state. The net6501-50 is the perfect fit for pfSense, although the net5501-70 would also be enough for your usage.

I tried DD-WRT and Tomato as QoS router and they can't do it as good as pfSense does. Maybe because the hardware wasn't strong enough.
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Re: Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

Post by stevebeerh »

Still facing the same issues... can d/l though SABNZB,, but the rest of the internet becomes unavailable. Getting very odd drop out through SASBNZB as well. Have virus checked and made sure everything is upto date. Would it be worth uninstalling and reinstalling to see if this will fix it? or is is more likely an ISP issue with SKY doing something on there end?
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Re: Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

Post by shypike »

Try an alternative Usenet program to narrow it down.
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Re: Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

Post by stevebeerh »

I think i have narrowed it down, the drop offs occur when the warning: ERROR: Probable account sharing ( is issued. How can i go about stopping this. I run SABNZB on 3 machines and they all suffer from this drop out.

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Re: Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

Post by stevebeerh »

all 3 PC's are running of the same IP address.
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Re: Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

Post by MageMinds »

For the drop out I'd ask astraweb, you should be able to download from the same IP address from many computers, but I might be mistaken. Did you make sure all your PC are using the same server and port, maybe that's why astraweb are detecting account sharing...

Also I don't understand why you download from 3 different PC at the same time, the purpose of sabnzbd is you centralize your download in one point. At home I have a "server" that does this work, I put everything I want into the "server" sabnzbd instance and it take care of it.

Downloading from 3 PC at the same time, they are all going to fight for bandwidth and you'l end up wasting time to download everything, you are slowing the overall downloading doing that, because you are causing congestion to your node/modem and congestion need to be taken care of using icmp which uses bandwidth and retries from the server. The better way, one downloader and uses priority and categories. But hey you might have a good reason of doing that so I'll stop there!

Using a good QoS router like pfSense you'd probably solve your connection problem while downloading, for the dropout that is an issue with astraweb, when they detect account sharing they'll freeze our account. How they detect it, I suspect like I said is by looking at accounts login in they servers, if the same account is logged in to different ports and/or servers at the same time that might indicate account sharing, that would be the only way they could detect it other then same account many IP at the same time, but as you saif 3 pc same address which leave only the first supposition. Check your config.

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Re: Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

Post by stevebeerh »

HI, thanks for the above. I have contacted Astaweb and i'll see what they come back with.

I dont download on all PC's at the same time. I have the function to use SABNZB on all 3 depending on where I am. i.e Living room, Study or Abroad on my laptop.
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Re: Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

Post by shypike »

Astraweb is one a few providers that don't "see" that SABnzbd has terminated connections.
This might explain what you see.
BTW: is "Disconnect on Empty Queue" on in Config->Switches?
It should be, despite that Astraweb sometimes ignores it.
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Re: Cant use internet when SABNZBD is in use **HELP**

Post by ovq »

This is really odd.

I am experiencing the same connection clog, when SABnzbd is running.

I am on a 100 MBit Fibreglass line, so I shouldn't have any ISP problems. Also, I am running TomatoUSB on my ASUS RT-n66u, which is blazing fast.

I have QoS setup so that astraweb news downloads get capped at 60%. The router manages the quota just fine, but whatever I set as bandwidth limit, as soon as SABnzbd is DL something, the line is clogged.
When I pause the DL, all is fine again.

This is odd in particular, as running P2P on the same machine doesn't stress the connection at all (same QoS limits).

The only thing I can think of right now is disabling SSL on the connection in SABnzbd, other than that I am clueless...

(MacMini, Core i7, 2,66 Ghz, 16 GB RAM, current SABnzbd build for Mac OS X 10.8.3)
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