Sabnzbdplus fails to start on boot - systemd says Active:Exited

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Sabnzbdplus fails to start on boot - systemd says Active:Exited

Post by Guiguy »

I'm getting outside of my pay grade here; after installing sabnzbdplus on a new install of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, systemctl status sabnzbdplus gives me "Active: Exited"

I rummaged around a bit but haven't found a solution. As an interim measure I'm starting sabnzbdplus with crontab @reboot /usr/bin/sabnzbdplus - it works but doesn't seem all too elegant.

What do I need to do to get sabnzbdplus to start as a systemd service when the PC boots?

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Re: Sabnzbdplus fails to start on boot - systemd says Active:Exited

Post by jcfp »

You need to configure the service by setting a valid user in /etc/default/sabnzbdplus (reboot or run 'sudo systemctl daemon-reload' afterwards). Until you do, the service cannot run the program and bails out - just as the status indicates.
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Re: Sabnzbdplus fails to start on boot - systemd says Active:Exited

Post by Bruenore »

I have the same issue but in my case i do have a user specified in the noted location

from my sabnzbdplus file

sabnzb@sabnzb:~$ cat /etc/default/sabnzbdplus
# This file is sourced by /etc/init.d/sabnzbdplus
# When SABnzbd+ is started using the init script, the
# --daemon option is always used, and the program is
# started under the account of $USER, as set below.
# Each setting is marked either "required" or "optional";
# leaving any required setting unconfigured will cause
# the service to not start.

# [required] user or uid of account to run the program as:

# [optional] full path to the configuration file of your choice;
# otherwise, the default location (in $USER's home
# directory) is used:

# [optional] hostname/ip and port number to listen on:

I have tried commenting out the user saving rebooting and un-commenting with no success. I have also tried using a different account again with no success.
Anything else that I can try?
# [optional] extra command line options, if any:
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